Guang Ci Tang® Chinese Medicine

Guang Ci Tang® (广慈堂) has been a leading US brand of Chinese medicine since the 1990s that enjoys a reputation for quality, efficacy, safety, and affordability.


Chinese herbal formulas play a central role in the theory and practices of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Many formulas were invented one thousand years ago and remain widely used today as an integral part of China’s national healthcare system. Theseclassics are truly time-tested for safety and effectiveness. We are proud to inherit these treasures and feel honored to share them with you.

As our society faces many modern health challenges, Chinese medicine is constantly evolving to combat them. Our team of scientists and TCM doctors stay abreast of the newest research and breakthrough in both TCM and modern biosciences. Then we incorporate that newfound knowledge into the development of our signature formulas that address many contemporary health issues.

Guang Ci Tang currently offers over 100 Chinese herbal formulas.

  • Herbalogic - Solid Eight
  • Guang CI Tang - Sleepeace
  • Guang CI Tang - Ease Tonic
  • Guang CI Tang - YinVive Cool
  • Guang CI Tang - Nasal AllegiClear
  • Guang CI Tang - MensesEase

Available for Pickup Only

Please call ahead prior to visiting to confirm our current stock.